Old Fashion Girls Names That Start With L

LOVELY Antique old fashioned Baby Names that start with L. These Fifty baby names for girls and boys are totally vintage and at to the lowest degree 100 years old. The listing of antique infant names below reflects the total name, year of nascency, and where the person was born.
m. Laban . Jones. b. 1796. VT.
f . La Blanche . Taylor. b. 1886. KS.
m. Labor . Harrell. b. 1874. IN.
m. Lafayette. Edwards. b. 1840. MS.
f . Lana . Snellenburger. b. 1823. OH.
thou. Langdon . Low. b. 1849. SC.
thousand. Larkin . Holt. b. 1822. KY.
g. Lathan . Wallace. b. 1895. MS.
f . Lattice . Tucker. b. 1823. VT.
f . Laura . Borden. b. 1829. NC.
k. Laurence . Abbott. b. 1841. NY.
thou. Laurent . Bazue. b. 1834. LA.
f . Lauretta . Moore. b. 1846. MD.
f . Lavada . Anderson. b. 1901. CA.
f . Lavina . Watkins. b. 1848. TN.
f . Lavinda . Collins. b. 1806. NC.
f . Lavinia . Cox. b. 1814. DE.
m. Lawrence. Cragan. b. 1820. Ireland.
m. Lawson . White. b. 1861. TN.
m. Lazaro . Farari. b. 1838. Panama.
m. Lazarus . Lewis. b. 1804. SC.
m. Leander . LeBlanc. b. 1801. LA.
thou. Leandro . Guerrardo. b. 1840. CA.
f . Leanna . White. b. 1892. KY.
chiliad. Lear . Williams. b. 1872. AR.
f . Leatress . Albright. b. 1897. CA.
chiliad. Ledo . white. b. 1882. KY.
thousand. Lee . Gibson. b. 1843. NC.
m. Leigh . White. b. 1880. KY.
f . Lela . White. b. 1895. KY.
m. Leland . Brown. b. 1897. CA.
f . Lelia . White. b. 1870. KY.
f . Lelitha . Ford. b. 1843. NC.
m. Lemar . Haney. b. 1845. LA.
1000. Lemuel . Malloy. b. 1822. NY.
f . Lena. Listrom. b. 1901. MN.
f . Lenora . Staten. b. 1849. SC.
f . Lenore . Baitinger. b. 1896. CA.
m. Lentin . Green. b. 1855. VA.
thousand. Leo . White. b. 1894. KY.
f . Leocadia . Aston. b. 1878. IL.
f . Leola . White. b. 1884. KY.
k. Leon. McPherson. b. 1859. IA.
f . Leona . Shaffland. b. 1841. Germany.
yard. Leonard . Tuttle. b. 1830. NH.
m. Leonardo . Ramirez. b. 1825. Mexico.
f . Leone . Blair. b. 1901. CA.
f . Leonice . Cho. b. 1853. Communist china.
m. Leonidas . Archer. b. 1846. SC.
m. Leonora . Olliphant. b. 1845. TX.
f . Leontine . Bartley. b. 1895. CA.
chiliad. Leopold . Landreth. b. 1848. PA.
f . Leora . David. b. 1885. MO.
f . Leota . White. b. 1899. KY.
thousand. Leroy . Bert. b. 1837. KY.
m. Lesley . Hooper. b. 1842. LA.
m. Leslie . White. b. 1882. KY.
f . Lesta . Atkinson. b. 1885. CA.
1000. Lester . Houdyshell. b. 1895. ID.
f . Lestina . Jones. b. 1875. CA.
f . Letha . White. b. 1869. KY.
f . Letitia . Loper. b. 1805. DE.
f . Lettice . Gadsen. b. 1845. SC.
thousand. Levi . Rogers. b. 1810. MA.
f . Lewella . Hars. b. 1862. IL.
k. Lewis . Hendal. b. 1809. Prussia.
m. Leyrenus . White. b. 1874. KY.
m. Liberty. Byrd. b. 1813. TN.
m. Librado . Sisneros. b. 1848. NM.
f . Liby . York. b. 1846. IN.
m. Licurgus . Burk. b. 1846. IN.
f . Lida . Plunkett. b. 1895. KY.
f . Liddy . Lee. b. 1850. TN.
thousand. Liege. Silcox. one thousand.. 1896. KY.
chiliad. Lilburn . White. b. 1882. KY.
f . Lillian . Bartie. b. 1876. Scotland.
f . Lilly . Underwood. b. 1786. Doc.
m. Lincoln. Whitis. b. 1902. KY.
f . Linda . Bailey. b. 1810. NH.
grand. Lindsey . Livingston. b. 1818. NC.
one thousand. Ling . Ward. b. 1894. TN.
f . Linora . Horton. b. 1868. NY.
one thousand. Linsey . McGary. b. 1843. TX.
m. Linton . Snapp. b. 1819. KY.
m. Linus . Christian. b. 1881. MO.
grand. Littleton. Johnson. 1000.. 1865. KY.
m. Livingston. Black. b. 1830. MS.
f . Lodi. Long. b. 1877. LA.
m. Lofton . Quin. b. 1794. NC.
m. Logan. Chamberlain. b. 1815. VA.
f . Lois . Hannah. b. 1825. AL.
f . Lola . Morgan. b. 1900. GA.
m. London. Jones. b. 1831. NC.
. Lonnie . Ferguson. b. 1894. AL.
f . Lorana . Lyons. m.. 1889. KY.
f . Lorena . White. b. 1892. KY.
f . Lorenza . Cruz. b. 1798. NM.
thousand. Lorenzo . Wright. b. 1820. PA.
f . Loretta . Ladrique. b. 1803. LA.
one thousand. Lorton . Cox. b. 1859. MO.
f . Lortta . Sprague. b. 1870. MI.
m. Lott . Johnson. b. 1813. Physician.
f . Lottie . White. b. 1894. KY.
f . Lotty . Booth. b. 1845. MS.
m. Lou . White. b. 1844. KY.
f . Louann . Potato. b. 1842. IA.
f . Louilla . Holden. b. 1878. LA.
one thousand. Louis . Remmilong. b. 1864. Hungary.
f . Louisa . Tyler. b. 1835. OH.
f . Louisiana. Hooper. b. 1846. LA.
f . Louvella . Smith. b. 1830. NY.
f . Louvenia . Plunkett. b. 1890. KY.
thou. Dearest . Barker. b. 1846. NC.
f . Lovey . Allen. b. 1880. CA.
f . Lovina . Todd. b. 1847. IL.
f . Lowella . White. b. 1880. KY.
m. Lowry . Crabb. b. 1822. TN.
m. Loyal . Beesley. b. 1847. NY.
m. Lucas . Medina. b. 1840. NM.
f . Lucendia . White. b. 1880. KY.
f . Lucia . Ellsworth. b. 1845. LA.
m. Lucian . Birby. b. 1810. NY.
f . Luciana . Lemira. b. 1870. CA.
m. Luciano . Mondragon. b. 1835. NM.
m. Lucien . White. b. 1886. KY.
f . Lucinda . Logan. b. 1847. AR.
f . Lucintha . Hersford. b. 1812. NC.
m. Lucius . Cragen. b. 1834. NH.
f . Lucretia . Coleman. b. 1795. MA.
f . Lucy . Parker. b. 1839. TN.
f . Luelia . Williams. b. 1855. OH.
f . Luisa . Lacato. b. 1822. NM.
thousand. Luke . Dempsy. b. 1825. SC.
f . Lula . White. b. 1870. KY.
f . Lulu . White. b. 1871. KY.
m. Luna . Griffin. b. 1893. GA.
f . Luta. Barnett. b. 1890. CA.
m. Luther . Lewis. b. 1806. CT.
f . Luvandra . White. b. 1857. KY.
f . Luvenia . Adair. b. 1900. CA.
f . Luz . Hernandez. b. 1880. CA.
1000. Lycurgius . Johnson. grand.. 1863. KY.
f . Lydia. Burdich. b. 1796. MA.
m. Lyle . White. b. 1894. KY.
m. Lyman . Eldrid. b. 1801. MA.
f . Lytha . Wooton. b. 1857. OH.
thousand. Lyton . Burdett. b. 1800. VA.
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